Mirfazli Edwin, San Jose Leire


Introduction. This research used Corporate Social Disclosure Index (CSDI) as a measure of CSR disclosure, based focus on social indicators from Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI). The samples of this research are 36 public companies in Real Estate and Property sector listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) year 2004-2007. Purpose. The purpose of this research is to test the effect of CSR and financial ratios on market performance. This research is motivated by the fact of activities of CSR and its disclosure and also mixed results from previous research. Methods. Research method did collaboration qualitative and quantitative methods approach. Results. Relatively score of CSDI shows that CSR disclosure in public companies’ annual report is still low. This may due even there is mandatory rules regarding CSR disclosure in Indonesia but the lack of public companies not awareness of the importance of CSR and its disclosure in annual report. Discussion. Test results show that CSR disclosure do not has significant effect on Stock Return (SR) as a measure of market performance.

Ключові слова

CSR; Stock Returns; Social Indicators and Financial Ratios

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