Iryna Belova, Oleksii Yaroshchuk


Introduction. Food security is a critical element of Ukraine's national security, especially under the current challenges caused by the full-scale military aggression from Russia. The war has led to significant destruction of agricultural infrastructure, reduction of sown areas, and rising food prices, jeopardizing the nation's ability to provide food for its population.

Purpose of the article is to analyze the current state of Ukraine's food security amid military actions, identify shortcomings of the existing strategy, and, based on European experience, develop recommendations for forming a new food security strategy for Ukraine up to 2030.

Methods. The study employed statistical analysis to assess the impact of the war on the agricultural sector using statistical data; SWOT analysis to identify strengths and weaknesses, opportunities, and threats; comparative analysis to juxtapose the national strategy with European approaches; and synthesis method to formulate recommendations for the new food security strategy up to 2030.

Results. A significant negative impact of the war on Ukraine's agricultural sector and food security has been established. The shortcomings of the existing Food Security Strategy of Ukraine for the period up to 2027” have been analyzed, notably the insufficient consideration of war consequences and the lack of specific measures for agricultural sector recovery. Proposals have been developed for forming a new food security strategy up to 2030, which includes post-war agricultural sector restoration, support for small farming, development of the processing industry, and implementation of high-quality product standards based on European approaches.

Discussion. Future research may focus on evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed strategic measures in ensuring Ukraine's food security, particularly in the context of post-war recovery. An important direction involves analysing the potential for integrating innovative digital technologies into the management of the agricultural sector, as well as developing mechanisms to adapt European experience to national realities, taking into account the specifics of Ukrainian agricultural production.


food security; agricultural sector; war; European approaches; development strategy; Ukraine

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"Scientific Club "SOPHUS"
West Ukrainian National University
Higher Education Institution "Podillia State University"