Introduction. In modern conditions, it is difficult and very difficult for many economic entities in agriculture to oppose large enterprises, associations and transnational corporations in the market. Therefore, in order to strengthen their economic ties, to increase the competitiveness and efficiency of the produced products, each of these subjects tries to realize its potential, using the opportunities of cooperation and agro-industrial integration at all levels of management of the agrarian sector.
Methods. The following methods were used to achieve the goal: theoretical generalization – when interpreting the category “cluster”; system approach – when determining the features of cluster structures compared to other types of enterprise associations; a combination of the historical and logical approach – in the study of the evolution of the formation of integration associations of economic entities, generalization of domestic and global experience of the functioning of cluster structures.
Results. It is proved that despite some similarity between agroholdings and agroclusters, which consists mainly in the fact that they are mainly focused on the closed cycle of production of certain types of agro-industrial production, but the principles and mechanisms of their creation are fundamentally different in such features as: organizational legal form, principles of creation, production structure, status of agricultural organizations, competition and management. It has been established that in modern social and economic conditions, the creation and development of agricultural clusters in the country will allow: to increase the efficiency, investment attractiveness and innovative orientation of the functioning of agriculture, to ensure the reliability of the supply of the country and its regions with its own food and to create the necessary resources for its export supplies and processing products with high added value; to purposefully improve the processes of tactical and especially strategic planning and forecasting of the development of agriculture and state regulation of the market of agricultural products due to the use of a more effective organizational and economic mechanism of interaction between the state and agribusiness.
Discussion. In the post-war period, the development of innovation clusters in order to intensify their activities requires solving the following problems: clusters need a guiding legislative document that would clearly define the role and place of clusters in the country's economy, the perspective of development and participation in relevant programs. This would immediately give impetus to many movements at the regional level, as well as in relations with international partners; clusters need significantly more financial support for already developed projects and programs for the development of the economy and innovative ecosystems, as well as for improving their own institutional capabilities; improving cooperation at the regional level. It is at this level that close cooperation on the development of clusters should take place at the level of authorities, regional development agencies, territorial communities, etc. After all, they are all interested in local business working better, development projects and investment attraction.
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