Introduction. For our country, grain is a strategic market product and is a serious source of income. According to scientific studies, the actual volumes of grain production can be much higher, provided that land use is stabilized and intensive technologies are introduced.
Our country, given its natural potential, can and should produce much more grain. One of the factors of increasing the gross production of grain is the provision of high-yield seeds to commodity producers.
Methods. The following methods were used in the research process: comparative analysis – to compare data, determine changes in market indicators in time and space; abstract and logical – for the purpose of forming assumptions, hypotheses, as well as conclusions and generalizations; analysis and synthesis – when assessing the state of the research object and substantiating proposals for its improvement and ensuring full-fledged development in the future.
The results. The market is a system of social relations based on the comparison of supply and demand and cannot be completely free. As in other areas of the economy, market relations are subject to science-based management through such levers as price, tax, finance, credit, etc. Thus, demand and supply are two specific categories that illustrate the interaction of production and consumption in a market economy.
The price of seeds is the most accurate and universal indicator of the economic condition of the cereal seed market. The pricing system for grain crop seeds and the demand for them are directly dependent on the prices for commercial grain of these crops and the demand for grain.
Discussion. In the conditions of the post-war revival of the agrarian economy of Ukraine, there will be an increase in the demand for the seeds of grain crops. In this case, the levers of state protection of producers of domestic seed products should be used.
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