Introduction. Reproduction of a herd of cattle is one of the most time-consuming processes in cattle breeding, since the productivity of cows, the efficiency of selection and breeding work, the duration and intensity of use of genetically valuable high-performance animals, the quality of products obtained from them and the profitability of its production depend on this process.
Methods. During the research, modern general scientific and special methods of economic research were used, in particular: systemic approach, comparative economic and statistical methods.
The results. It was established that the priority directions for increasing the economic efficiency of the reproductive process of the herd are: reducing the duration of the reproductive cycle; optimization of herd structure; reducing the number of barren cows to increase the intensity of selection of heifers for repair and extended reproduction of productive livestock; intensification of breeding repair (breeding) heifers; minimization of costs for breeding dairy cows due to the rational use of production resources based on the implementation of achievements of scientific and technical progress; increasing the productivity of dairy cattle to improve the quality of the main means of the new generation and financial support for the reproductive process.
Discussion. In the post-war period of the revival of the agrarian economy, in particular dairy farming, the task of increasing the number of cattle in the farms of the corporate sector of the agrarian economy will arise. In the conditions of limited financial resources of agricultural enterprises, the main direction of increasing the cattle population will be the system of contracting with households for the purchase of heifers.
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