Introduction. Financial resources play a key role in the implementation of housing construction, because without adequate financing in terms of volume, such construction will be problematic from the point of view of compliance with the requirements of all business processes and, probably, will take longer. The stages of control over financial resources are organically interconnected with the stages of housing construction. At all stages of housing construction (design-contractual, preparatory on the construction site, main construction, commissioning of housing), the financial resources of the construction industry enterprise are distributed in accordance with the concluded contracts. Financial and managerial accounting of such resources and permanent control over them are of key importance here.
At the same time, the endless changes in the normative legal acts of Ukraine and the introduction of changes and additions to them, the low solvency of potential individual investors of the future housing, the increase in housing prices, the full-scale war of the russian federation against Ukraine, fraud form a solid foundation for the purpose of developing and improving control functions regarding financial resources. The process of monitoring the execution of construction contracts from the outside obliges construction enterprises to observe the limits of the legal norms, to make timely settlements with external counterparties within the specified time limits, to return loans received from banks in a timely manner, and to comply with the provisions of concluded contracts. The effectiveness and quality of external control is improved through the optimization of the internal control system. Since the latter has a sign of permanence, it retains its influence on financial and management accounting.
Methods. Improving the stages of control of financial resources in housing construction involves the use of general scientific and specific methods of scientific research. In particular, we used the following methods: analysis and synthesis – in order to analyse the existing positions of economists regarding the importance of financial control in housing construction; statistical – to analyse data on the use of financial resources of Ukraine for capital investments; induction and deduction – for researching methods of conducting financial calculations; comparison – to reveal the peculiarities of financial control in Ukraine and EU countries; tabular – to highlight the main stages of internal and external control over financial resources.
Results. The article defines and characterizes the stages of control over financial resources in construction. It is noted that in the construction industry such types of control as preventive, accompanying, feedback control, financial intermediary control, state audit control, automated control need to be improved. Directions for controlling financial resources and financial obligations are proposed.
Discussion. Prospects for further scientific research are to carry out even greater detailing of the stages of control over financial resources in construction and thus improve the practical value of such control and save a significant part of the used financial resources in construction.
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