Introduction. Modern information and digital solutions qualitatively change all chains of business processes of companies and open wide opportunities for business communications. However, companies need to independently determine their needs in the development and implementation of appropriate information and software solutions, justify the reasons for the rational choice of adequate options for analytical procedures from the multitude of digital options currently available. In fact, the problems of choosing directions for the analysis of business indicators are in the general direction of solving the problems of the informational-communicative and organizational-analytical functions of the development of economic entities.
Methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the fundamental provisions of modern economic science, the work of domestic and foreign scientists. In the research process, in particular, the following methods were used: analysis and synthesis - to study the object and subject of research; abstract-logical (theoretical generalizations and formulation of conclusions); constructive and experimental (formation of a management decision with the help of analytical support).
Results. According to the results of the research, it was found that business analysis integrates technical and economic knowledge, which ensures their applied use, contributes to the acquisition and systematization of information about the company's work at all levels, and establishes logical connections between stakeholders. The connection between business analytics, accounting system, information support and control procedures is revealed. The close relationship between business analytics and business communications as a set of information-analytical relationships determined by the specifics of the activity and different levels of the company's organizational culture, based on the interaction of the system of socio-economic, organizational-management and technical-technological relations, is substantiated.
Discussion. The results of the study can be used in the formation of a strategy for the development of analytical work and the construction of modern communication links between stakeholders in the process of their interaction.
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