Introduction. The need to solve a wide range of problems through analysis has led to a demand for analysts, who are called agents or initiators of change. Given that today in the competitive labor market the position of business analyst is one of the most prestigious and well-paid, to business analytics as an activity, to this rapidly evolving field of knowledge, as well as to the relevant educational product there is a natural interest. Accordingly, the essence of the concept of "business analyst" in its various interpretations and aspects, determining the key parameters of the model of professional competence of business analysts, as well as solving problems of their formation and integration in the relevant educational and professional training program of higher education are becoming relevant consideration.
Methods. The authors used the dialectical method of cognition and general scientific techniques and principles of complex research, which provide empirical, theoretical, cognitive and general logical methods. The specified methodical tools are used: observation, comparison, description, generalization for consideration of essence and disclosure of some directions of business analytics; system approach and modeling for identification and systematization of key parameters of professional competence for business analyst; analysis, synthesis and logical approach to solving problems of their formation and integration in the process of educational activities.
Results. It is concluded that the complexity of the external environment and internal business processes of the enterprise necessitate the use of business intelligence as a system of integrated and continuous monitoring, evaluation and diagnosis of business operations, as well as changes through business analysis to solve problems or use existing opportunities ensuring viability and business development. This implies a new conceptual approach both in the processing of information and in the purposes and features of such analysis. This will increase the effectiveness of the analysis and allow the organization to turn analytical work into an integral part of successful business. The key parameters of the business analyst’ professional competence model are determined. The tasks of the educational program for training business analysts on the formation and integration of appropriate educational competencies and obtaining applied learning outcomes are formulated.
Discussion. Under these circumstances, there are appropriate prerequisites for the further development of business intelligence as a new promising concept of analytical work in the organization, direction in science and educational activities for the training of specialists in this field. Therefore, further developments are extremely important - new scientific approaches, developments in certain areas and types of business analytics, improvement of methodological tools of analysis, suggestions for improving the content, methods and organization of the training process and more.
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