Introduction., The organization of the resource management system of an agricultural enterprise is subject to both requirements for ensuring the competitiveness of the adopted resource use regime in market conditions and requirements for ensuring the ecological balance of man-made load on agricultural land in today's economic conditions. That is why, it is necessary to ensure the interdisciplinary nature of the formation of the enterprise's management system. This approach makes it necessary to consider analytical support for management decisions in finding a compromise between the environmental and economic interests of sustainable development of the enterprise. Purpose. Development of a system for assessing the current state of the organization of resource potential management to ensure a scientifically based classification of management approaches of agricultural enterprises to resource use. Methods. Studies were conducted on the basis of the use of abstract and logical, statistical, economic and mathematical methods. The methodological basis in preparing the material made dialectical method of knowledge of social and economic phenomena. Results. In the course of scientific research, it was established that the classification functions of discriminant analysis are an effective basis for scientific substantiation of the system of assessment and differentiation of approaches to managing the resource potential of an agricultural enterprise. The main advantage of the discriminant analysis apparatus in this particular situation is the possibility of statistical and mathematical modelling of the principle of classification of the studied objects by an expert group. The obtained models can be used to identify the effectiveness of resource potential management by business entities to diagnose problems and identify sources of resource use efficiency. The quality of the obtained models depends on the correct choice of a set of indicators for evaluating and taking into account business conditions in the parameters. Discussion. The results of testing the proposed approach using statistical data of the Lugansk region allowed us to identify the main prerequisites for improving the efficiency of resource potential management, the main of which is to ensure a balance of the crop production system through regulating the intensity of resource use. Management of mainly market principles has unbalanced the mechanisms of self-recovery of land resources, which, accordingly, requires replacement agrotechnical measures. This requires appropriate investment resources, and resource potential management projects are treated as promising investments.
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