Introduction. The labour market is one of the key in the market economy. In turn, the level of adjustment of the use of the factor "labour" determines the effectiveness of the use of factors "capital" and "land". The factor of "labour" is inherently social and economic. On the one hand, social and demographic processes determine the total population, its distribution by sex and age groups and opportunities for participation in production. On the other hand, the economic characteristics of the welfare of the population determine its opportunities for education, training, realization of professional abilities, participation in the processes of social division of labour. In Ukraine, it is important to carry out balanced reforms in the labour market based on identifying general trends, researching existing challenges and justifying areas of advisory support for its market transformation, which determines the relevance of the study in theoretical and practical terms. Therefore, the aim of the article was to identify general trends, existing challenges and areas of advisory support for labour market reform. Methods. The dialectical method of cognition and the system method for studying the issues of labour market reform and advisory support for the implementation of such processes are chosen as the theoretical basis of the article. In writing the article, general scientific methods of cognition were used, namely: methods of analysis, synthesis, analogies, economic and statistical, graphic, expert, generalization method. The method of economic and statistical analysis is used to determine the main trends in the labour market, graphical - to visualize the results, the expert method - to reveal the features of advisory support of market transformation; methods of analysis, synthesis and analogies - to identify approaches to solving existing problems, the method of generalization to form the conclusions of the study.
- the main trends in the labour market of Ukraine are identified, some of which are: trends in the decrease of the total population (by 15%), the number of economically active population (by 20%), the level of economic activity of the population (by 2.6%). There was also a decrease in the unemployment rate by 3.2% and the reasons for unemployment of the registered unemployed;
- stressed the importance of taking into account the existing challenges in the preparation of documents on labour market reform, one of the most important of which is the spread of globalization and the need to innovate to ensure the proper level of product competitiveness in the market;
- proved the expediency, in public terms, taking into account not only economic but also social components in the process of structural transformations in the labour market;
- the importance of involving various social forces in solving the existing problems of labour market reform is emphasized, accordingly, the involvement of public and private advisory services and increasing control over their activities in the implementation of any reform measures will be effective;
- the directions of advisory support of labour market reform are substantiated, the main essence of which is: accentuation of efforts to solve problems of organizational structuring of the labour market in the context of preparation of answers to existing challenges. ) in ensuring the increase of competitiveness of its products and alternative professional change of activity.
Discussion. Prospects for further research are to determine the features of the involvement of public and private advisory services and their interaction in solving public problems with public authorities.
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