Introduction. One of the most important conditions for ensuring the proper functioning and development of the entire sphere of entrepreneurship is the economic security of enterprises, and an important part of this process is the diagnosis of the financial condition of economic entities. Diagnosis is the main tool that allows you to objectively assess the internal and external parameters of the enterprise, to investigate economic processes in their relationship. The use of an effective mechanism of financial activity allows at an early stage to detect violations of proportions in the phases of the cycle of capital circulation in the enterprise and to establish the reasons that caused them. Methods. During the preparation of the article, a systematic approach to the study was used, which allowed to assess the state of implementation of financial diagnostics in the domestic business practice; the method of theoretical comparison for improvement of legislative regulation and directions of procedures of financial activity; the method of expert assessments - in the development of organizational provisions for the implementation of the mechanism of financial diagnostics in Ukraine. Results. The article identifies the importance of diagnosing the financial condition of the enterprise, considers the nature and necessity of a systematic analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise. The essence of the concept "diagnostics", "financial condition" is considered in the proposed article. Peculiarities of effective management of the financial condition of the enterprise in the conditions of market economy of Ukraine and the role of economic diagnostics in the activity of the enterprise are determined. Discussion. Further research on the development of financial activities will be to substantiate the implementation of modern areas of assessment of the financial condition of economic entities, especially within the introduction of digital technologies
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