Vasyl Hradovyi


Introduction. Energy saving in agriculture is a complex management process that requires the rational organization of technological and other related processes based on a systems approach. Methods. The article uses the theoretical provisions of management theory in the context of the organization of energy saving management in an agricultural enterprise. At the same time, general scientific methods are used, namely: monographic, abstract and logical, graphic. Results. Certainly, agricultural production is associated with the use of energy from nature, human labour and artificial energy. In the context of energy saving, artificial (exhaustive) energy is considered in terms of reducing its consumption in the production process. It is established that the provision of energy saving is due to rational organizational actions, which include: economic and energy audit, the formation of special measures, implementation of developed measures, monitoring of energy saving. The basis for ensuring these actions is the regulation of management processes in order to achieve a high level of energy saving. It is substantiated that energy saving processes in an agricultural enterprise take place in symbiosis with state and regional authorities, industry entities, as well as a group of stakeholders. At the same time, the coordination of all the system elements actions allows to achieve a high potential of interaction in the context of energy saving. In this case, it is important to identify the primary energy saving factor that initiates these processes and creation of an energy saving management system based on this factor. Discussion. The results of the study offer basic provisions for the development of the organizational structure of agricultural enterprises that implement the concept of energy saving.


energy saving; energy efficiency; agriculture; organization; management

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