Anatoliy Ivanko


Introduction. Modern conditions for the implementation of economic activities in the developed countries of the world are characterized by the saturation of the main markets for goods and services. Along with this, the trend of transition to the information society stands out. Therefore, business entities, in order to maintain and strengthen their positions in the market, should pay more and more attention to the factors of information and knowledge, proper possession of which will ensure the entry of competitive advantages over other economic units. Therefore, the purpose of writing this article is to determine the components of adaptation of organizational management systems of an enterprise to the knowledge economy based on generalizing the specifics of the formation and maintenance of such entrepreneurial structures as network and virtual structures based on the use of knowledge and information. Methods: According to the theoretical basis of the article, the dialectical method of cognition and the systemic method for the study of the adaptation of the enterprise management system to the knowledge economy, as well as: methods of analysis, synthesis, analogy, expert method, method of generalization, served. The method of comparative analysis was used to analyze the connectivity and correspondence of organizational forms of network and virtual business structures with the knowledge economy, the expert method was used to reveal the features of the practical activities of network and virtual structures, methods of analysis, synthesis and analogies were used to highlight factors and key features inherent in network and virtual structures, a generalization method for the formation of research conclusions. Results. The importance of strengthening the competitive positions of business entities by adopting the concept of the knowledge and information economy, which corresponds to the processes of world economic globalization and the transition to an information society, is emphasized. The characteristic of the enterprise is presented, it corresponds to the knowledge economy. The expediency of increasing the competitiveness of enterprises by adapting their organizational management structures to the knowledge and information economy has been proved. Consideration of organizational models of enterprises corresponding to the knowledge economy is carried out, the preferred forms among which are network and virtual structures. Review of the features of the formation and maintenance of the functioning of network and virtual structures in the economy with a description of their factors, key features and practical features of the activity. Discussion. Prospects for further research are to substantiate the relationship between participants in network and virtual structures, which will help ensure their effective functioning in the market.


information society; knowledge economy enterprises; adaptation of organizational management structures; network structures; virtual structures; competitiveness

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