Iryna Spilnyk, Oleksiy Yaroshchuk


Introduction. The article gives a critical assessment of the situation and discusses the problematic aspects and perspectives of the institutionalization of cryptocurrency. Given the growing public interest in cryptocurrencies circulation, stock market trends, benefits and opportunities for the economy, as well as the associated threats and challenges, regulatory policy and the legislative framework are imperative. It is impossible to solve the problem of legal, accounting and tax consequences of cryptocurrency transactions without determining the legal status of a cryptocurrency. The lack of standards and clear recommendations of the relevant methodological authorities necessitated the search and systematization of international accounting, financial reporting and taxation practice on cryptocurrency transactions. Methods. The authors applied the dialectical method of cognition and general scientific principles of complex research, which include empirical, general logical, theoretical and cognitive methods. These methodological tools are used to identify approaches, assess trends in cryptocurrency circulation and cryptocurrency market, consider the nature and disclosure of cryptocurrency, identify methodological problems of integration of cryptocurrency and related transactions in the system of accounting and financial reporting, differentiation of approaches to determining legal status. Results. Undoubtedly, cryptocurrency has potential. However, to realize this potential, stimulate the growth, increase the accessibility and the level of trust, effectively scale of the business and its interaction with regulatory authorities, it is necessary to create a more institutionally friendly environment. Without appropriate legislative regulation of circulation and determination of the legal status of cryptocurrencies, as well as in the absence of clear recommendations of methodological bodies in the field of accounting and taxation, many legal, theoretical, and applied issues of accounting and taxation cannot be resolved. Discussion. Domestic lawmakers, regulators and scientists have to analyze actively the experience of other countries, to study scientific developments and to conduct further research in order to normalize these relations in the European and global context.


cryptocurrency; cryptoindustry; digital economy; payment system; Blockchain; regulatory policy; legislative framework; legal status; standards; accounting; financial reporting; taxation

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