Iryna Belova, Nataliia Semenyshena


Introduction. Today, financial statements should provide complete, unbiased and reliable information about the current state and results of the enterprise's functioning and be a reliable source of analytical conclusions regarding the further development and determination of the economic potential of the enterprise. The approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “integrated reporting”, which are most often found in the interpretation of scientists to determine the economic essence, have been systematized and generalized in the course of the study. Methods. The abstract and logical method was used in systematizing and analysing the research; the method of comparative analysis was used when comparing the types of reporting. Results. The analysis of the main approaches and principles of integrated reporting is carried out. Its constituent elements are presented and the essence of reporting indicators is disclosed on the basis of which the management makes the appropriate management decisions. The main problems and prerequisites for the preparation of integrated reporting by domestic enterprises are revealed. Perspectives. The widespread introduction of integrated reporting into the practice of domestic enterprises will improve the business environment, allow enterprises to enter global capital markets and attract investment, focus on the future and forecasts, feel risks and opportunities, do better analysis of activities and make more effective decisions.


integrated reporting; international standards; Accounting; management decisions; financial statements; users of information; analysis; reporting indicators

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