Hanna Chmil, Hanna Verzilova


Introduction. Effective functioning and sustainable economic development of trade enterprises in the context of globalization and increased market competition in both global and domestic markets, determine the need to study their business environment with marketing tools. The most productive of these is marketing audit. It serves as a basis for choosing the optimal strategy for the development of a commercial enterprise, taking into account its strengths and weaknesses and changes in the external and internal environment. Therefore, it is important to study and substantiate the theoretical tools of the audit of marketing activities of a commercial enterprise. Methods. The research was carried out on the basis of a systematic approach to understanding the organizational principles of marketing audit using general and special principles and methods (scientific abstraction - to understand issues and in-depth study of marketing audit in commercial enterprises; comparative analysis - to identify attributes and main stages of marketing audit generalization - to systematize the methods of audit of marketing activities of enterprises, logical - to establish this ness audit of marketing activity, specificity - to characterize the theoretical tools and audit phases of content marketing activities, monographic - proposals for the formation of the author of the audit organization of marketing activities, graphic - for non-text display the results of research). Results. Marketing audit is defined as a process of consulting to identify lost profits from insufficient use of marketing services, which is designed to assess the effectiveness of marketing activities and marketing system of the trade as a whole, to identify problems and hidden potential, and develop an action plan to improve marketing . The purpose, tasks, subject, object, methodical tools and sequence of audit of marketing activity are specified. The content of each stage of the audit is determined. Discussion. Areas of further research on certain issues are focused on the development of developed methodological tools for the audit of marketing activities.


trade enterprise; marketing; audit of marketing activity; organization; stages

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