Maryan Tripak, Anatoliy Skrypnyk, Iryna Hodniuk


Introduction. The heritage of the past - both negative, purely imperial techniques and methods, as well as positive aspects - should become the foundation on which modern theoretical and practical principles of financial accounting should be based, avoiding the peculiarities of institutions in the nineteenth century. At the same time, the history of state-owned Chambers of Commerce in Right-Bank Ukraine, which performed a wide range of functions of financial management, their structure and powers are still far from logical scientific conclusion. Results. The paper considers structural transformations and functioning of treasury offices as leading provincial financial institutions in the Right-Bank Ukraine in the 19th century which was a part of the Russian Empire. The study of the problem included the search and wide use of circulating documentation preserved in the proper funds of state archives of Ukraine as well as the analysis of the latest works by Ukrainian historians in the field of Ministry of Finance departments in the province centers of the region. Thorough and consistent scholarly studies resulted in outlining of conditions and consequences of state policies concerning fiscal system in the regions and economy of state expenses. The paper analyzes mechanisms of financial flows control as well. Treasure houses existed from late 18th to early 20th centuries and functioned as institutions determining financial policies of the Russian autocracy in the Ukrainian provinces issuing a large scope of documents. The latter serve as source material for further scholarly research. Discussions. Circulating and reporting documentation reflects the financial policy in the territory run by the Kyiv Governor-General. Annual reports and statistical offices of governors - the financial situation of the provinces in different historic periods. Research, analysis and objective historic estimation of financial documents serve a further vista of studying the problems in question. Disclosure and discussion of the so-called ‘blank spaces’ in their functioning is aimed at broadening the knowledge about the origin and development of financial accounting in Ukraine.


Right-Bank Ukraine; Treasure House; financial accounting; document circulation

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