Olga Balabash, Vu Khan Huyen


Introduction. The current development of the world economy is characterized by the increasing role of foreign trade between countries. The economic growth of any country depends on the effective use of the export opportunities of the economy in these circumstances. Today, the agro-sphere is one of the major sectors that, with increasing global demand, is capable of producing competitively exported products. Therefore, the development of the issue of analysis of export potential of agricultural enterprises is important in the current conditions, and determines the relevance of this study. Methods. The following methods were used in the course of the research: statistical analysis (to analyse the trend of development of grain production and export); method of PEST-analysis (for determination of factors of external environment of indirect influence), economic and statistical methods (for the purpose of forecasting the dynamics of prices in the grain market); graphical method, method of tables (for visualization of research results). Results. It is proved that the integrated use of conventional methods of statistical results and real factors, which made unequal, has made methodological development of the export potential of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine. Discussions. The analysis found that technogenic factors have a significant impact on the industry. Against this background, the main reserves for the development of export potential of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine may be identified opportunities for the introduction of modern technological innovations. This will allow us to meet production targets, reduce dependence on weather conditions and guarantee the proper quality of products in order to meet the growing global demand. Therefore, research in this area has significant prospects.


export potential; agricultural enterprises; grain market; grain export; PEST - analysis; methods of statistical analysis

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"Scientific Club "SOPHUS"
West Ukrainian National University
Higher Education Institution "Podillia State University"