Ruslan Brukhanskyi, Tetiana Bincharovska


Analysis of land resources of agricultural enterprises is an important current aspect of land reform and the economic process of every agricultural enterprise. It includes a comprehensive set of objects and tasks, the disclosure and implementation of which requires the application of a comprehensive set of indicators in accordance with the work stage and general recommendations. One of the main tasks of a current land analysis is the formation of systems for automated search, collection and processing of information, as well as the creation of mechanisms for automatic receipt of ready analytical information in accordance with needs, positions and situations. Research methods of land resources analysis methodology are based on a comprehensive analysis and synthesis, formal and dialectical logic. A holistic methodological apparatus, capable of ensuring the implementation of such tasks as increasing the level of substantiation of decisions, preserving and improving parameters, observing the principles of stability has been developed and justified. The methodological framework of the analysis has been formed and its comprehensive system of land use indicators has been proposed; a clear sequence of actions within the analysis, allowing the more profound study of the research object, has been defined. Prospects for further research on the analysis of agricultural land resources are to develop proposals for expanding a comprehensive system of indicators for the analysis of agricultural land.


land use; land resources; economic analysis; land relations; land market; land analysis

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