Introduction. Agricultural service cooperatives, not like other organizational forms of management, have functions related to their specific field of activity-maintenance of cooperative-owned owners. Methods: analysis and synthesis, analogies, expert method, method of functional analysis. Results. A questionnaire survey was conducted, which determined that for the development of the cooperative the organization of feedback with its members was necessary in order to increase their confidence in the management of the cooperative, and accordingly to the cooperative form of ownership in general. From the point of view of economic research the most expedient is to determine the informative and communicative component of the management functions of the agricultural servicing cooperative and proposals for its practical implementation through the development and implementation of a controlling system. Discussion. The prospects for further research are to substantiate the organizational arrangements for conducting of controling.
Peter, M. (2017). Formation of Efficient Parameters of Management Apparatus’ Agricultural Service Cooperatives on the Controlling Basis. The Institute of Accounting, Control and Analysis in the Globalization Circumstances, (1-2), 86–98. doi: 10.35774/ibo2017.01.086
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