Introduction. In a market environment, each management entity aspires to receive such information that would provide him with the opportunity of substantiation and acceptance of effective managerial decisions. An important part of such information is the cost information. Expenses are one of the most important economic categories, which reflect the information necessary for the formation of the price of the manufactured product, provision and profit growth, and the adoption of effective management decisions. The transition of a number of domestic enterprises to the international standards of financial reporting and accounting requires improvement of the current accounting policy, methods and forms of management of the enterprise and its expenses. Methods. Dialectical and systematic approaches are used according to the goal to study cost accounting methods; abstract and logical method for determining the most promising methods of cost accounting. Results. The normative method of cost accounting, the peculiarity of which is the orientation to relatively stable and immutable conditions, is used the most widely at domestic enterprises. But at present, market factors, the effect of which can not be foreseen within the framework of the use of the normative method, which necessitates the practical processing of a more diverse methodical cost accounting device, has a significant impact on the level of expenses. Foreign experience proves the effectiveness of many new methods of accounting for costs at domestic enterprises. Discussion. Research of domestic and foreign methods of cost accounting is necessary for further improvement of cost accounting in Ukraine. The recommendations and proposals proposed in the study will contribute to increasing the efficiency of cost management at domestic enterprises through the use of foreign experience in cost accounting.
Tsaruk, V. (2017). Domestic and Foreign Methods of Cost Accounting: Comparative Characteristics. The Institute of Accounting, Control and Analysis in the Globalization Circumstances, (1-2), 49–57. doi: 10.35774/ibo2017.01.049
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