Vadym Maslii


Introduction. The study of the role of the institution of the presidency in the context of presidential-parliamentary or parliamentary-presidential forms of governance is a promising area from an interdisciplinary perspective, as it lies at the intersection of political science, economics, and international relations. The president plays a crucial role in fostering political and economic stability to attract foreign investors, as well as in negotiating the attraction of foreign investments through international meetings, summits, and economic forums.

Purpose. To assess the impact of the presidency on integration into the global financial system, to identify the tools that were used by them under the presidential-parliamentary form of government to form a positive image of Ukraine at the global level and an effective foreign economic policy in the field of attracting foreign direct investment.

Methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the scientific works of scientists on the role of the President in the formation of foreign economic relations with other countries. In the process of research, general scientific and special methods were used, in particular empirical knowledge (to collect relevant information about the process of attracting foreign investment); monitoring of regulatory and legal acts that were adopted to regulate and form a favorable investment climate in the country and a positive image at the global level; periodization - to organize the array of empirical and theoretical information on the stages of transformation of the presidency in order to highlight similar periods; analysis and synthesis (to analyze the dynamics of the volume of attracting foreign investment, revenues from privatization); graphic – for a visual display of the results obtained.

Results. The course of attracting foreign direct investment during 1991-2004 was analyzed, two periods of transformation of the presidency institution were distinguished: the emergence and formation, which are characterized by an orientation towards the presidential-parliamentary model of government. The challenges facing the first Presidents of Ukraine (L. M. Kravchuk and L. D. Kuchma) in the field of international investment activity and the tools that were used to regulate the process of attracting foreign investment were identified.

Disussion. Further research in this area will allow us to determine whether changes in leadership affect the country's investment climate, which presidential reforms are most effective in attracting investments, and how the President's international image influences cooperation in the field of international investment activity. A detailed study of the role of the presidency under various forms of governance in enhancing investment activity at the international level will enable the development of effective mechanisms for interaction between different branches of government.


President; presidency; legislative initiatives; foreign investments; investment image

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