Introduction. Today, global agricultural production is focused on obtaining a quick profit, despite the consequences of harmful anthropogenic influence on the state of land. First of all, this is manifested in the intensification of the crop industry, which is oriented towards increasing the acreage under energy agricultural crops. A similar situation is also typical for Ukraine and is aimed at increasing the energy potential of the crop industry.
Methods. The methodological basis of the conducted research is a dialectical approach. It allows to assess the effect of economic laws in the direction of establishing trends and patterns of development of social and natural phenomena and processes. The cluster approach was used as a tool for targeted management of the ecological and economic components of the regional system of land use in the agricultural sector. A wide range of statistical analysis methods are used in the work, administrative regions are grouped into clusters according to the conducted research. The results of the conducted studies were evaluated using the Statistica 10.0 software package. The abstract-logical method was used to form conclusions and make theoretical generalizations.
Results. The article examines the influence of intensification of agricultural activity on the quality of the soil, reveals the dependence of the humus content in the soil on the dynamics of the technically available energy potential of agricultural crops grown in Ukraine regionally, as well as the volume of production of organic fertilizers as a result of raising farm animals.
Discussion. Research data reveal a high correlation coefficient of the studied indicators within individual territories. The results are expected to be used for planning the necessary measures in order to increase the ecological and economic efficiency of the agricultural land use system.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35774/ibo2024.01-02.074
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