Introduction. The export potential of agricultural products is one of the organic elements of the national economy. The main objective of the export of agricultural products is the ability to improve the current state of the agricultural sector of Ukraine and the economy of the country as a whole, using and intensifying the existing competitive development prospects.
Methods. The following methods were used to achieve the goal: abstract and logical, in particular the methods of generalization, analogy, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction (deepening the essence of the category “export potential of the agricultural sector”, when classifying factors of globalization depending on their impact on the export activity of enterprises, as well as highlighting the problems of realizing the export potential of the industry). A statistical and economic method was used in order to analyze the export activity of enterprises in the grain industry, in particular techniques: comparison (comparison of the data of the reporting year with previous ones), series of dynamics (consideration of trends in the development of export of products of agricultural enterprises), tabular and graphic methods (display of analytical and statistical information). The monographic method was used in the analysis of foreign experience in stimulating export operations.
Results. It has been proven that in order to realize the export potential of the agricultural sector of Ukraine, an appropriate regulatory and legal framework should be formed, regulating the use of state and regional support methods, including at the level of united territorial communities. The effectiveness of the applied models for increasing the level of utilization of the export potential of the agricultural sector of Ukraine will be significantly higher with the activation of network interaction at the interregional level; improving the quality of management of united territorial communities; participation of regions in joint projects coordinated only at the level of regions.
Discussion. In the post-war period of development of the country's agrarian economy, domestic agricultural producers should become the main exporters of agricultural products. For this, it is necessary to develop and implement in a practical area measures of state and regional support for the production and processing of agro-food with a high level of added value. It also requires the development of a Strategy for the development of the export of agricultural products and food, which should include a number of measures aimed at realizing the export potential of the agricultural sector of Ukraine.
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