Introduction. Food safety in the conditions of globalization and the world community, which is dynamically developing, under the influence of environmental problems, continues to have a high priority in the structure of national security of states. One of the important vectors of effective scientific and methodical provision of food security in Ukraine is the study, classification and synthesis of both advanced foreign experience and the analysis of existing problematic issues in this topic among countries with a developing economy.
Methods. General scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge were applied in the process of research, namely: comparative analysis – to evaluate various scientific approaches to clarifying the essence of the concept of “food security”, as well as to determine methodological approaches to the formation of a food security system; statistical analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction – in the process of researching the current state of the food safety system.
Results. Supporting and stimulating the cooperative movement in a complex with such a direction as the use of a system of grants and financial benefits for beginning agricultural producers and providing assistance in the use of innovative digital resources can be a good help as potential sources of agricultural production, as well as being a qualitatively new movement in modernization and creation new type of farms based on the example of farms in developed countries.
Such a direction as the careful and rational use of natural resources should be controlled not only by state supervisory bodies, but also be generated in the legal consciousness of agricultural producers, as an important and integral condition for their functioning, which in the long run will work both for their reputation and the image of the organization.
Discussion. In the post-war period of revival of the economy of Ukraine, the solution to the problem of food security will come first, which will involve ensuring not only physical but also economic availability. Also, another important task will be faced by the state authorities – this is to reduce the share of household food costs, both by reducing prices and increasing the income of the population.
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