Introduction. The reform of the agro-industrial production of Ukraine radically changed the organizational and economic conditions of the functioning of dairy enterprises and other structures engaged in the processing and sale of dairy products. This led to a fundamentally new relationship between product producers and product consumers, and led to a sharp decline in the production of milk and dairy products.
The future of milk production by agricultural enterprises largely depends on the influence of general trends in the development of world agriculture and the market. In the last five years, it has been growing. There are approximately 230 million productive dairy cows; the yield of one cow varies from 2,200 to 9,800 kg in the regions of the world.
Methods. Generally accepted methods and techniques were used in the process of conducting the research: a set of scientific methods of the abstract and logical method (induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, analogies and comparisons, formalization) in the development of theoretical provisions on the substantiation of organizational and economic factors of increasing efficiency. The economic and statistical method was used when conducting an analysis of quantitative and qualitative indicators of the effectiveness of the functioning of dairy enterprises, in particular its methods: comparison (comparison of the data of the reporting year with the corresponding indicators of previous years); grouping (to identify cause-and-effect relationships between features), series of dynamics (tracking of temporal changes in indicators of the activity of agricultural enterprises and households - milk producers), analytical information is displayed using graphic and tabular methods.
Results. It has been proven that ensuring food security within the physiological norms of consumption of dairy products of Ukrainian production can be guaranteed by the development of high-tech production, due to increasing the productivity of cows and the creation of systematized dairy zones on the territory of Ukraine. At the same time, it is necessary to provide state assistance in the construction and reconstruction of milk processing enterprises according to world standards on a corporate basis. This will make it possible to produce export-oriented products, creating added value.
Discussion. In the post-war period of revival of the agrarian economy, the development of dairy farming should be carried out on the basis of a comprehensive program that includes all components of the agro-food chain of movement of milk from the producer to the final consumer. In addition, the development of incentives for the reorientation of agricultural enterprises - producers of plant products to dairy cattle breeding - is timely.
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