Introduction. At the stage of development of the Ukrainian economy, the efficiency of the financial market entities increasingly depends on the applied technologies and management methods. To ensure the manageability of such systems, new management methods are needed that correspond to the complexity of the external and internal environment of financial market entities. In these conditions, it becomes necessary to use the achievements of controlling, which coordinates the work of functional services and provides information and analytical support to management during management decision-making.
Methods. For the implementation of the set tasks in the process of scientific research, a logical-dialectical approach and methods of scientific knowledge, such as observation, comparison, abstraction, methods of decomposition, analysis and synthesis, were used.
Results. If the enterprise decides to implement a new information system, then it has the following alternative automation of financial controlling: either by implementing an ERP system (Enterprise Resource Planning System), a BPM system (Business Performance Management) or by using a cheaper analytical system . The result of the implementation of financial controlling is a system that contributes to increasing the efficiency of the financial and economic activity of the enterprise and allows predicting the results of this activity. An important stage is the evaluation of the effectiveness of the application of this system.
Discussions. The post-war reconstruction of the country's economy will lead to the formation of new requirements for the system of financial controlling of financial market entities, which will lead to the process of adapting foreign methods to the domestic realities of commodity-money relations.
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