Introduction. The role of intellectual potential in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution is growing significantly. Dynamic technological changes form new demands on the labor market and, accordingly, the market of higher education. The ability of the higher education system to respond to the demands of the labor market and quickly provide them by training specialists of the appropriate level and qualification is becoming more and more relevant. Due to the low level of coherence of these processes and the lack of effective tools capable of maintaining the relevance of the competencies acquired by university graduates, the gap between the labor market and the higher education sector is growing. Overcoming this gap will significantly increase the level of intellectual potential and strengthen the competitiveness of the national economy.
Methods. The research methodology involves a combination of theories and practical principles of studying higher education, employment and the labor market, which are combined with the processes of scientific and technological progress in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution. The main methods used in the work are based on a systemic and interdisciplinary approach and include general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, observation and generalization, methods of dialectics, extrapolation and statistical analysis.
Results. The article defines the peculiarities of the interaction of the labor market and the higher education sector in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution, defines the importance of intellectual potential for ensuring the transition of the economy to a new technological system, characterizes the main manifestations and problems caused by the gap between the parameters of the labor market and the higher education system. Separate indicators of the labor market by level of education were analyzed, as a result of which a direct connection between the level of education and employment was revealed, as well as the fact of an increase in the number of people discouraged from looking for work among university graduates. The main reasons for the gap between the labor market and the higher education market are given, as well as the directions for overcoming it in modern conditions are substantiated.
Discussion. Further research prospects are related to the identification and study of specific cases of non-compliance the higher education system with the requirements of the labor market, as well as the development of an effective mechanism for the implementation of «lifelong learning», «open science» and self-education tools in higher educational institutions and workplaces.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35774/ibo2023.01-02.019
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