Introduction. Solving the problems of stable economic development and improving the welfare of the population in Ukraine is largely determined by the development of rural areas. In our country, for many decades, the main way of developing rural areas was a narrow-branch agrarian approach. This led to one-sided agrarian development of rural areas, often irrational placement of productive forces, underdevelopment of social and household infrastructure, etc.
Methods. The following scientific methods and techniques were used in the research process: historical, abstract and logical, systematic, comparative, monographic analysis, analysis and synthesis.
The results. The proposed model of rural areas should be based on the following principles: the formation and multiplication of social capital and its basis - human capital, the creation of non-governmental organizations and rural “networks”, effective state support for local initiatives, the spread of various forms of diversified activities in the areas where rural residents live etc.
Discussion. In the near future, which will be characterized by the post-war revival of the country's economy, in our opinion, there will be significant changes in the views of scientists and government officials on solving the urgent problems of the development of rural areas, in particular, the reproduction of the resource potential of the agricultural sector - the “locomotive” of Ukraine's development.
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