Nataliia Vdovenko, Мykola Sakhatskyi, Olga Orlova-Kurilova, Serhii Serhiienko


Introduction. Currently, one of the main problems of entrepreneurs' access to innovation infrastructure is the lack of

effective relationships between participants in the innovation process, namely: lack of transparency of information, low motivation for self-development, financing and marketing of innovations. Addressing these issues requires further research. Methods. The historical and logical method is used in the article; the method of systematization, classification and

theoretical generalization; the method of institutional analysis; the method of system analysis; the method of logical analysis

and synthesis. Results. It is proved that the effectiveness of innovation processes depends not only on the activity of participants in this process, that they interact with each other. Emphasis is placed on the fact that participants in such a process should be provided with the formation of such an innovation infrastructure that will intensify research, determine their orientation to market needs and establish communication between participants in the innovation process. Supporting and financing innovation would create the conditions for the development of a number of competitive innovations necessary for the national economy. When upgrading the innovative infrastructure of entrepreneurship, it should be borne in mind that the problems faced by entrepreneurs and innovators are not only economic but also social, political and institutional. Discussion. It is proved that the main task of innovation infrastructure should be: development and support of small and medium enterprises, focused on creating innovation, improving the legal framework to support innovative entrepreneurship in accordance with European standards; further simplification of the procedure of registration and liquidation of enterprises, improvement of the system of accounting and statistical reporting, taxation, licensing and certification; educating the entrepreneurial spirit in the younger generation, including by including "entrepreneurship" courses in special school programs; development of leasing system of technological equipment for the organization of production of small industrial volumes, creation of regional centers for training, retraining and retraining of specialists (managers, accountants, lawyers), simplification of the leasing process with subsequent purchase or favourable lease of technological equipment or vehicles


infrastructure management; innovative production; promotion of partnerships; development of scientific activity; ensuring economic security

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