Introduction. Logistics as a type of economic activity plays one of the main roles in the formation and development of market relations, so its study is especially relevant in a market economy. Information resources are one of the most important subsystems of the resource potential of the firm, and information is a key element of logistics operations. The information specifies the needs of the objects of logistics systems and supply chain links.The article investigates that logistics is one of the important components of the state economy and now this component is at the stage of its formation and requires a scientific approach to study; the place of the information and analytical center as an infrastructural component of logistics systems is determined; the information and analytical support of the market research of logistics services is substantiated and the system of statistical indicators of the research of this market is formed. It is determined that the prospects for the development of the logistics services market in Ukraine directly depend on the state of the country's economy. Methods. The following scientific methods were used in the research process: inductions and deductions - in the process of studying the general tendencies of logistics development in Ukraine; analysis and synthesis - during the theoretical generalizations, the formation of appropriate conclusions; bibliographic - research of literary sources to obtain the necessary information on the research topic; method of associations and analogies - for the proposed new ideas and suggestions that arise from comparison with other more or less similar objects. Results. Logistics in Ukraine is developing in accordance with world trends, has a significant impact on the economic potential of the country, stimulates the development of related, interconnected and complementary industries, is a reflection of the competitiveness of our country in the world. Logistics efficiency is now at the forefront of the agenda for professionals, private firms, and international organizations.Thus, the logistics of information flow is relevant in the field of logistics. Information resources are one of the most important subsystems of the resource potential of the firm, and information is a key element of logistics operations. The current level of logistics development requires constant improvement and introduction of new information systems. Discussion. The main task set during the writing of the article is to substantiate the feasibility of using logistics services in Ukraine, taking into account the peculiarities of business globalization
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