Andriy Sava, Borys Sydoruk, Roman Voloshyn


Introduction. Systemic reforms in Ukraine comprehensively cover all spheres of life. Some of them directly relate to the quality of life and the level of territorial entities development, among which an important place is occupied by rural areas. The long-term depressive situation in rural areas today requires effective measures aimed at solving many problems and improving certain areas of functioning. However, any action aimed at improving the condition of rural areas must be justified and consistent with the real situation. The use of mathematical tools to solve such problems allows to identify deep problems, identify real trends and obtain grounds for a clearer and more substantiated argumentation of certain measures. Methods. The study used statistical information on the state of rural areas of Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Rivne, Khmelnytsky and Chernivtsi regions. For generalization and data processing, the index method was used, as well as the method of correlation-regression analysis, the results of which formed econometric models that reflect the factor dependence of rural development on economic, social and environmental factors. Results. Due to the development of the obtained econometric models, it was found that factors with a negative value of the regression coefficient have a stronger impact on the state of rural areas than factors with a positive impact. Indicators of quality of life, demographic situation, level of infrastructure development have the greatest negative value. The greatest positive impact on the state of the object of study is exerted by factors of environmental nature, as well as resource provision and the level of profitability of the population. It is determined that in the context of improving rural development, the priority solution is to stop depopulation, reorientation of business and foreign trade to higher value-added goods, preservation of rural infrastructure in settlements that lose the status of administrative centers. Such actions should be coordinated with each other and implemented within the framework of a comprehensive rural development strategy. Discussion. The obtained conclusions and results are characterized by a high level of argumentation and can serve as a basis for developing a strategy for rural development. Further research should relate to the development of a strategic plan and mechanism for implementing the areas identified in the article to improve the development of rural areas.


rural areas; model; modeling; factors; strategy; indices; regression

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