Olexii Kochetkov, Kristsna Fedicheva


Introduction. The system of controlling, monitoring and diagnostics is an actual tool for identifying the sources of efficiency progress of agricultural enterprises. However, the question of its place in the management system is often appeared in the scientific and practical circle. For example, there are two main ways to ensure the functioning effectiveness of controlling, monitoring and diagnostics. In one way, it is using in the crisis circumstances of renovation of technological techniques, in other way, it is using in the process of implementing management functions of management. In this regard, the definition of the implementation mode of the advantages of controlling, monitoring and diagnostics for ensure the progress of the efficiency of agricultural enterprises in market conditions becomes particularly relevant. Methods. The research was conducted on the basis of general scientific methods (in research of theoretical bases of realization of functions of controlling, monitoring and diagnostics of administrative activity), abstract and logical (for generalization of practice of organization of flows “product – resource” in the process of formation of efficiency of the agricultural enterprise) and constructive method of substantiation of optimal flows of resources and results of activity for the purpose of maximization of profitability of activity on condition of constancy of a resource basis). The dialectical method of cognition of social and economic phenomena was the methodological basis in the elaboration of the material. Results. In the course of the research, the prerequisites for sustainable profitability of agricultural enterprises in specific conditions, as the basis for designing an effective system of controlling, monitoring and diagnostics are analysed. It is established that the introduction of adaptive organization determines the need to track the flows of the enterprise in order to determine the real production and marketing potential. The author substantiates the means of forming a stable profitability of an agricultural enterprise by increasing the level of competitiveness of agricultural enterprise products by repeatedly converting resources into products and products into resources throughout the production cycle. The main elements and flows of the model "products – resources" of an agricultural enterprise as a prototype of the system of controlling, monitoring and diagnostics of management activities of agricultural enterprises are defined. Discussion. The perspective development of the system of controlling, monitoring and diagnostics of management activities of agricultural enterprises is in determining way of optimal resource flows and results of operations to maximize profitability with sustainability of the resource base.


control; monitoring; diagnostics; flow organization model; management; agricultural enterprise

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