Halyna Zabchuk, Olha Ivashchuk


Introduction. The causes and consequences of banking risks in Ukraine are considered in the article. The importance of assessing and the need to manage the currency risk of banks as the most important risk of banking, on which all other risks depend, is proved. It is established that the main miscalculations of the Government and the National Bank of Ukraine during the crisis of 2014-2017 led to an intensification of the strategic risk of banking. Methods. General scientific methods of cognition, induction, deduction and comparison are uses in the article. Statistical and graphical methods are used to analyse the causes and consequences of banking risks. The system method is used in the development of proposals and recommendations. Results. The causes of significant banking risks in Ukraine, including currency, credit, interest rate, strategic, and liquidity risk are analysed. It is proved that currency risk in the last 12-13 years is the main risk in banking, which reduces its role in stimulating economic growth. The main miscalculations of the National Bank of Ukraine, the Government and the legislature in the field of creating conditions for minimizing banking risks and ensuring the participation of the banking system in stimulating economic growth are substantiated. Discussion. The main directions of the negative impact of strategic uncertainty in monetary and economic policy on the strategic risk of banks and the banking system are identified. Continuation of research will consist in the development of recommendations for minimizing banking risks at the current stage of development of the banking system and economy of Ukraine.


banking activity; banking risk; credit risk; currency risk; interest rate risk; liquidity risk

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