Alona Goloborodko, Svitlana Lehominova


Introduction. The evolution of information technology and the further development of the digital economy contribute to the growth of the global market for logistics flows. In 1990 no one thought about how the advent of the Internet will affect the economy as a whole and in each individual area in particular. And while at that time many had no idea what the World Wide Web is, today the issue of cloud technologies, electronic business and electronic commerce is the number one topic for the entire business environment. Knowledge of the developmental features, depending on their field of activity, the penetration of technologies of effective Development Management ensures enterprises achieve commercial goals. The development of logistics flows in the context of digitalization has been dealt with by many scientists. However, it requires special attention and clarification of the concept of the main components of logistics flows, their nature and the identification of new areas or transformations existing in the digital economy. Methods. The methodological basis of the article was the current provisions of the theory of innovation, methods of scientific knowledge; analysis and synthesis; abstract and logical (theoretical generalizations and conclusions) a comparative method and a system-structural method, which allowed us to identify new ways of developing logistics flows and the formation of trends. The methods of logical generalization, synthesis, and special marketing methods were used to study the characteristics of the development of delivery enterprises. Results. It is proved that the rapid development of the digital economy affects the trends in the development and transformation of all areas of economic activity. The activation of many agents of the market of logistics flows was analysed and revealed. The flexibility of managing modern enterprises and their quick adaptation to circumstances is emphasized, it is indicated that reformatting their use from one sphere to another is possible, if motivated. The need for the introduction of new business methods, the development of online technologies to meet the needs of consumers was confirmed. Discussion. Prospects for further research will be focused on forecasting and modelling the prospects for the development of logistics flows in digitalization based on quality and efficiency.


digital economy; development; logistics flows; transport; delivery

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