Valerii Ilin, Sofiia Kuzmych


Introduction. Excessive tax burden on enterprises is a negative factor that prevents them from functioning properly and hinders their business activity. The high level of the tax burden is the emergence of the economy into the shadows, the shortfall of taxes to the budget and, as a consequence, the failure of the state to perform its functions. Thus, an important aspect of successful management is the application of tax optimization methods, taking into account certain aspects of each enterprise. Methods.The study uses generally accepted scientific methods: dialectical - to determine general approaches to research; monographic - for in-depth study of individual social phenomena; scientific knowledge - to determine a certain "perspective" of research as an assumption about the most important for the study of the selected problem characteristics of the object; abstract and logical - in order to return from the formulated scientific abstractions again to the study of the concrete and the formulation of the necessary conditions for its further existence and development in a logical sequence; scientific generalization - to summarize scientific facts and results based on the study, as well as methods of statistical processing of information, using methods of obtaining such values and qualitative characteristics, which are not directly in the economic information of the enterprise under study. Results. The article considers the level of tax burden on domestic and foreign enterprises in view of statistical information. The main ways to reduce tax liabilities, features and consequences of their application are indicated. It is necessary to apply a set of existing methods of taxation to effectively optimize taxes, constantly adapting them to the specifics of the enterprise. Discussion. Existing ways to reduce the tax burden need to be reviewed and improved, taking into account frequent changes in domestic tax legislation. The main areas of improvement of the current taxation system in the future should be: moderate reduction and uniform distribution of the tax burden between taxpayers depending on the type of activity; strengthening the effectiveness of tax control over the level of production costs; creating conditions for intensification of investment and innovation processes in priority sectors of the economy; ensuring control over the formation and use of financial resources mobilized as a result of the application of tax benefits; minimization of tax administration costs; as well as optimizing the rates of various taxes and their harmonization with European standards.


tax; tax burden; tax optimization; exemption; prevarication

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35774/ibo2020.01.029


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