Ruslan Brukhanskyi


Introduction. The requirements of modern management provide for the differentiation of approaches to enterprise management in terms of tactical and strategic vectors. The system of management accounting as a result of the evolutionary allocation of the functional direction – strategic management accounting, requires clarification of the basic theoretical and methodological principles, in particular in relation to their functions. Methods. The study was conducted using the epistemological method (clarification of definitions); system and structural method (determining the relationship of accounting functions); functional approach (identification of specific functions of strategic management accounting); analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abstraction and generalization (development of aspects of multifunctionality of accounting in the system of tactical and strategic management). Results. Given the duality of positioning strategic management accounting, there are two specific functions: 1) information support and support of the process of monitoring the environment, development, implementation and adjustment of enterprise strategies to improve business efficiency and provide feedback in the strategic management system; 2) information support of the process of cost-oriented management through the use of specialized methodological tools (techniques, models and methods), which allows to maintain existing sustainable cost advantages, as well as providing external users with information on cost generation and destruction factors, cost factors and cost modification factors chains. Discussion. Theoretical substantiation of the functions of strategic management accounting as a system of information support for strategic management decisions forms the prerequisites for clarifying its purpose and generating a range of methodological tools to meet its objectives in the system of strategic management.


strategic management accounting; accounting functions; strategic-oriented accounting; cost-oriented accounting

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