Volodymyr Rudyk, Alla Pecheniuk


Introduction. The study is devoted to determining the level of pension provision of rural population in Ukraine. Today, the problem of effective retirement provision is the most acute in our country. After all, the solution to this problem is connected with the important task - ensuring social protection of the population. Methods. Various economic methods, special economic literature, and the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists related to social protection of the population and pension insurance are used in carrying out the research. The information base is the relevant regulatory documents governing the functioning of the national pension system, as well as the Internet sites of the Main Directorate of the Pension Fund of Ukraine, State Statistics Service and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Results. The current state of the functioning of the national pension system has been assessed and the level of pension coverage for Ukrainian pensioners has been determined. Particular attention is paid to the state of pension provision of pensioners in rural areas; the dynamics of changes in their number over the study period is analysed. The tendencies of growth of wages and pension payments of the rural population are determined; the factors influencing them are analysed. The analysis of the replacement rate showed the relationship between the average pension and the average salary in the country for the study period; features that influenced the value of this indicator in the agrarian sector are noted. Discussions. Given the level of pension provision for Ukrainian pensioners, there is a need for pension reform. The size of pension payments is much lower compared to most European countries and does not meet generally accepted international standards. A particularly low level of pension payments is observed among the rural population. It has been for many years lower than the national average. In this regard, the issue of pension provision for the rural population requires additional study. The necessity of simultaneous use of all three levels of the domestic pension system, the importance of the use of funded pension programs for the population is substantiated.


pension insurance system; pension provision; pension reform; minimum pension for rural population; national pension system; funded pension programs

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"Scientific Club "SOPHUS"
West Ukrainian National University
Higher Education Institution "Podillia State University"