Hanna Kozachenko, Taina Zavora, Liudmyla Shapoval


Introduction. The article is devoted to the substantiation of determining the impact of social indicators on the development of pawnshops. Accordingly, economic and mathematical modelling has been identified as the main method of revealing the nature of the impact of a country's social security level on pawnshops. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to analyse the state of pawnshops and identify the relationship between pawnshops and social security indicators of the country. That is why it is very important to substantiate the tools for determining the impact of social indicators on the development of pawnshops. Therefore, it is important to conduct further research on this issue and develop an economic model that can specify the nature of the impact of social security indicators on the activation of pawnshops in the financial market. Methods. Scientific studies have been carried out with the help of such general scientific and special methods as philosophy of knowledge, dialectics, logic; systematic approach and analysis; correlation and regression analysis was used to identify the nature of the impact of the country's social security level on pawnshops; tabular and graphical method – for visual display of the obtained results. Results. The indicators of pawnshop activity in Ukraine are analysed. The benefits of pawnbrokers' financial services and the reasons that compel the public to seek them are substantiated. The influence of social security indicators of the country on the activation of pawnshops is revealed. One of the factors that led to a significant revitalization of pawnshops in Ukraine is social security. A correlation and regression analysis was used to identify the nature of such a relationship, which was based on two sets of country social security indicators and pawnshops. In the constructed econometric model, the factors that influence are the social security indicators of the country, and the dependent values are indicators of pawnshop activity in Ukraine. Using the model, the relationship between the indicators of pawnshop activity in Ukraine and the indicators of social security of the country is revealed. Discussions. The conducted researches confirm that increase in the scale of pawnshop activity in Ukraine is indirect evidence of low social security in the country, since there is an inverse relationship between these phenomena: the lower the level of social security in the country, the more active is the activity of pawnshops. This, in turn, requires further research to identify the interconnectedness and interdependence between pawnshops and social security in the country.


financial market; pawnshop; social security; population; econometric model; communication; index

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