Nataliya Zdyrko


Introduction One of the tasks of budget policy in Ukraine is the modernization of the state’s activities in the field of public procurement. Public procurement is a lever for the development of fair competition, however, in severe budget deficit conditions, their implementation requires transparency and efficiency in spending budget funds. Monitoring compliance with public procurement procedures should not be limited to monitoring the tendering rules for tendering, as well as recording violations of law, imposing signs and applying sanctions to violators. A comprehensive assessment of the factors that led to the violation of the procedures and rules of their organization should be carried out, and therefore, mechanisms for preventing offenses in the field of public procurement have been developed. Methods. The following scientific methods were used in the research: induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis - during theoretical generalizations, formation of relevant conclusions; bibliographic - research of literary sources to obtain necessary information on the topic of research; the method of associations and analogies - for the proposed new ideas and suggestions that arise on the basis of comparison with other more or less similar objects. Scientific cognition methods were also used: observation to determine the nature of public procurement as a matter of control; abstraction and concretization - to evaluate the current state of procurement; methods of abstract-logical cognition, as well as grouping, comparison, generalization - in the analysis and evaluation of conceptual and methodological principles of procurement procedures. Results. The article deals with the nature of public procurement, as well as the procedure, principles and procedures for their conduct. The bodies that carry out state regulation and control in the field of public procurement, as well as their main functions, are identified. Analytical evaluation of the conducted audits by the bodies of the State Audit Service and the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine was carried out. The peculiarities of conducting public control over the legitimacy of public procurement are highlighted. The ways of carrying out public procurement in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine are considered. The problematic aspects of public procurement are summarized and solutions are suggested. Discussions. A promising area of research is the harmonization of the regulatory framework and the conceptual apparatus for public procurement; creation of a unified analytical base on any violations detected by any control body; a clear division of the functions of the controlling bodies in order to eliminate their duplication; the need for training and advanced training of specialists in public procurement through the opening of specialties at higher education institutions.


public procurement; state control; public control; tender procedures; open tenders; competitive dialogue

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"Scientific Club "SOPHUS"
West Ukrainian National University
Higher Education Institution "Podillia State University"