Vasyl Tsaruk


Introduction. The corporate governance system in theory and practice is considered as one of the factors. It affects the development of the accounting system, in particular, the financial reporting system. A corporate governance system is properly built that takes into account the particularities of the corporate structure, the existing legal, political and market restrictions, can prevent the manipulation of accounting indicators and turn the accounting system into a more reliable and efficient tool for making management decision by managers and help to ensure the various information needs of various groups of external stakeholders. Purpose. The aim of the research was to fulfil the task of substantiating the essence and general characteristics of creative accounting practices as an element of the corporate governance system. Results. The role of the corporate governance system in the development of accounting has been analysed. The reasons for using the concept of creative accounting in accounting research have been highlighted. The role of creative accounting in the implementation of opportunistic behaviour by managers of the corporate structure has been established. The essence of the concept of “earnings management” and methods for its implementation in practice, have been substantiated. The general characteristics of creative accounting practices as an element of the corporate governance system have been suggested. It has been proposed to understand creative accounting practices in the corporate governance system as a set of actions within the established accounting principles and rules, as well as illegal fraudulent actions that lead to a decrease in corporate transparency. Discussion. Research prospects are in improved corporate governance systems are in the established reasons for the possibility of using creative accounting practices (unresolved aspects of accounting reflection, fraudulent actions).


corporate governance; transparency; creative accounting; earnings management; creative accounting practices

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West Ukrainian National University
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