Introduction. Because of a number of objective factors there is an important question for social restructuring and modernization of energy infrastructure management (hereinafter EI) through the integration into EI corporate policy social standards that meet the requirements of the modern civilized world, high social standards of living, would contribute to the development of the EI companies and would have a positive social impact. The aim of the article is to deepen the theoretical and methodological foundations and to generate practical recommendations for the development of socially responsible marketing for energy infrastructure enterprises activities. Methods. The following methods are used during the implementation of tasks: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction (for theoretical generalizations and making conclusions); micro modeling method (for logical and economic foundations of formulas for power supply company service quality indicator calculation); system approach (to disclose the principles and tools of responsible marketing). Results. The factors that affect the process of consumers rights protection in the context of socially responsible marketing are analyzed. The directions for legislative consolidation of customer service quality standards and responsibility for their violations are considered. The evaluation indicators for generalized index of energy supply company services quality as well as scheme for the formation of energy supply company responsibility for reliability and quality of its services as components of socially responsible marketing success are suggested. The basic provisions for appropriate methodological framework and regulations establishment are outlined. Discussion. It is determined that only the systematic organization of EI enterprises activities considering the society needs and with definition of the state regulatory functions as well as the active consumers participation can guarantee some results. In this regard, consideration of both establishing the minimum standards for energy supply companies customer service and introduction of modern technologies that influence the organization of work with consumers in the context of socially responsible marketing has real perspective.
Samoylenko, I. (2017). Socially Responsible Marketing for Energy Infrastructure Enterprises. The Institute of Accounting, Control and Analysis in the Globalization Circumstances, (1-2), 58–66. doi: 10.35774/ibo2017.01.058
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