Introduction. Society and business can’t exist without accounting system, which contains the information about financial and business activities at the microeconomic level and transforms it into useful knowledge in enterprise management. However, the existing model of universal “accounting” is out of date due to applying the only method of double entry book keeping, not taking into account the abilities of data collection and organization with the help of modern computer technologies, such as block chains, cloud computing, artificial intellect that demand the development of new paradigm. Methods. The Platonism methods such as laws of dialectic, logics, historical, sociologic and system approach to accounting science analysis and its paradigm, accounting development projection as a complicated dynamic system, factors of accounting comity prudence were used in the study. Results. The analysis of historical development of accounting science and practice in Ukraine shows its inconsistency to economic system formed after 1991. The accounting paradigm contains the characteristics of previous century. It is based on principles of manual data processing and getting the enterprise information in money terms. Such information allows only managing the financial activities. To manage the business activities at operational and strategic levels “accounting” doesn’t provide any information. So, the old accounting paradigm should be replaced by up-to-date one. The system must generate the information for all management levels. Taking into account the fact that a manager needs different information in time, structure and volume, the development of up-to-date new information paradigm should be based on creating the complex dynamic system with financial, management and strategic accounting. Besides, “accounting” should be rebrand in “information science” to prepare old system accountants for new type of thinking and activities. As the result, the revolution changes in paradigm are of vital importance not to consider the accounting to be art of book records and accounting document. Discussion. The development of accounting science is impossible without refocusing from stereotyped way of data processing for financial reports to a system of getting the information of intellectual level for management.
Pushkar, M., & Semanyuk, V. (2017). Research on Actuality of Up-To-Date Accounting Paradigm. The Institute of Accounting, Control and Analysis in the Globalization Circumstances, (1-2), 7–20. doi: 10.35774/ibo2017.01.007
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