Introduction. Budget accounting in Ukraine is at the stage of active reformation, which is logical in the context of public sector methodological basis of accounting and reporting further updating. The main task of reformation is the generalization of reliable information on the appropriate use of budget funds, which is reflected in the financial reporting forms.
Methods. The author created the data basis of original financial reports and reports on equity capital of budget funds managers during 2017 to provide the informative basis of empirical research studies. The data source on the condition of normative regulation of reports on equity capital of budget funds managers in Ukraine was the data basis of legislative acts of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Research methodology is based on theoretical insights into the problem and scientific instrumentation that contained the critical content-analysis of financial reports on equity capital of budget funds managers in Ukraine, comparative analysis of normative documents of Ukrainian legislative acts and their generalization. Results. The article summarizes the essence and components of budgetary funds managers equity. The content of the report on the equity is defined: paid-in capital, capital in surplus, financial result, capital in enterprises and target financing. The features and procedure for compiling the statement of equity are defined.
Discussion. In the context of the public sector accounting and reporting reformation and the development of its methodological basis, the further research of special features of financial reporting forms is required, in particular in the statement of equity.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35774/ibo2017.03.139
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