Tetiana Azarova


Introduction. Effective business in today's conditions requires the formation of a progressive methodology that will manage and predict the development of all areas of business entities. The main objective of the study is the development and implementation of a universal assessment model and ensuring a high level of economic security from the impact of internal and external threats. Methods. The methods of analysis, deduction, abstraction and analogy are used to reveal and construct the interconnections between elements of the enterprise's value management, the components of economic security and the basic processes of enterprise activity. As a result, an integrated indicator of economic security of the company is formed on the basis of modeling and formalization method. Results. The economic added value (EVA) methodology was analyzed and the enterprise value management factors were identified. The interrelation of the allocated values factors and economic safety’s resource-functional components is justified. A set of factors for assessing the value of an enterprise and the level of safety of resource-functional components of economic security is grouped. A criterion for assessing the enterprise’s economic security has been developed and proposed. As a result, a model of enterprise management is constructed, with the help of which both the level of economic security and the value of the enterprise are assessed and managed simultaneously. Discussion. Prospects for further research are aimed at improving the methodology for calculating the integral indicator of economic security. The study of the factors and indicators influence on the level of economic security for different ownership forms and management forms.


enterprise security; economic security; enterprise’s value; criterion; evaluation factors; components of economic security

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35774/ibo2018.01.062


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