Kostiantyn Galak


Introduction. The study considers the importance of accounting in providing the information about the expenses of social oriented activities. The analysis of recent publications on problems of generalization of the information about the expenses of social oriented activities, including financial, non-financial, and integrated reporting entities is given in the paper. The study is an attempt to examine the world experience of nonfinancial reporting, proposed by the International Organization for Standardization, and the authorities. The most common types of reports, the possibility of existing statements to provide the users with the necessary information to the full extent are determined in the study. The issue of the appropriateness of reporting, characteristics and strategies for generalization of the information about the expenses of social oriented activities in the reporting of commercial operation subjects, in particular for inner needs, are given in the paper. The main items of reporting that are regulated by the directive of the European Parliament “On the annual financial statements, consolidated financial statements and related reports of certain types of companies” are highlighted. Results. The sample of management (inner commercial) reporting "Management report in social oriented activities for the period”, as the mechanism for generalization of accounting information in the middle of commercial operation subject for management registration that makes effective management of this kind of expenses and social oriented activities possible is given. Methods. The following scientific methods: induction and deduction, analysis, and synthesis in terms of theoretical generalizations, forming the conclusions; bibliographical – the study of literary sources for obtaining the necessary information on research; method of associations and analogies for the proposed new ideas that are created on the basis of comparison with other more or less similar objects are used in the study. Perspective. The conclusions and prospects for further development of reporting in the expenses of social oriented activities of commercial operation subjects are given. Projects and recommendations will contribute to the enhancement of the effective expenses management in social oriented activities in terms of commercial operation subjects.


Directive of the European Parliament; management reporting; report; socially oriented activities

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